Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How Many Micro Cars Can You Haul?

I decided to change gears a bit and tell a Micro Car story. This story was a few years ago so some of the exact details might be off.

One day I was talking to my friend Alan; he told me he was going to look at some micro cars in a little town called Potter Valley about thirty five miles from Willits. Being the scrounger that I am. I asked if I could tag along when he goes? When a time and date had been set I was free to come along.

He called me a day or so later and he had a date and was planning to drive his car over to look at them. Knowing that the cars would most likely be coming home with him; I offered to drive my truck and trailer and make one trip.

The day came and we headed out. When we arrived in Potter Valley we called the man who had the cars so he could come down and meet us. We followed him up a winding dirt road to the top of the mountain.

When we got there we saw in amongst t
he trees several cars. A 1957-59 Cadillac two door hardtop and a four door parts car, what was left of some Cushman trucksters, motor cycles,and much more.

In this group of stuff sitting on the side of a mountain and covered with Oak leaves
were the micro cars we had come to see. A Fiat 600,Vespa 400,& a Cony van I believe a 360.

We hiked up and down the mountain through the trees and brown knee high grass checking everything out. To scroungers like us this is Heaven! There was life times worth of stuff buried under leaves and hi
dden by the grass.

We eventually had our fill and Alan struck a deal on the cars. The trick now was to get them loaded up. First I had to turn my truck and trailer around in just enough space to turn a car around. After a one hundred point turn it was done.

Luckily the man had a tractor and was able to pull the Cony & Fiat up the hill. This was not easy. The fiat had locked up brakes and flat tires, and all the cars stuck in the dirt from sitting so long. The Vespa 400 was up above the road so I was able to unhook the trailer back up to the bank. With a
ramp made of old boards we used a come along and pulled it into the back of the truck.

After rehooking to the trailer we pushed,pulled,banged fingers & held our tongues just right to get the others loaded. Isn't life great!! Two kids in a candy store.

After a few hours on the hill we headed home with our treasures.

What a site to behold.
This picture was taken in front of my house before heading to Alan's for unload.
You can click it to see the large version.

On the way home Alan was very generous and gave me the Vespa car for all of my effort in retrieving the cars. Cool friend huh!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like my kind of adventure. Alan is a great friend to hook you up like that!
